在 makefile 中看到这个编译选项,不太理解于是查了一下,相关的东西还不多,抄一下放在这里
Don’t keep the frame pointer in a register for functions that don’t need one. This avoids the instructions to save, set up and restore frame pointers; it also makes an extra register available in many functions. It also makes debugging impossible on some machines.On some machines, such as the VAX, this flag has no effect, because the standard calling sequence automatically handles the frame pointer and nothing is saved by pretending it doesn’t exist. The machine-description macro “FRAME_POINTER_REQUIRED” controls whether a target machine supports this flag.
这里,引入了一个”frame pointer”的概念,什么是”stack frame pointer(SFP)”呢?
一般情况下,每一个函数都包含一个堆栈边界指针,也就是说会存在一个栈底和栈顶指针。在X86下,假设堆栈由上往下发展,栈底大地址而栈顶小地址,那么,通常情况下,寄存器ESP为栈顶指针,而EBP就为栈底指针。而EBP和ESP之间的空间就是这个函数的stack frame。
GCC在默认情况下会在每个函数的开始加入一些堆栈设置代码,而在函数退出的时候恢复原来的样子,SFP就是在这个时候设置的。还是看一下这个时候的汇编代码吧 ;-)环境:X86+Redhat 9.0,gcc 3.2.2
$ cat test.c
void a(unsigned long a, unsigned int b)
unsigned long i;
unsigned int j;i = a;
j = b;i++;
j += 2;
$ gcc -c test.c -o with_SFP.o反汇编后是这个样子:
$ objdump -D with_SFP.owith_SFP.o: file format elf32-i386
Disassembly of section .text:
00000000 <a>:
0: 55 push %ebp
1: 89 e5 mov %esp,%ebp
3: 83 ec 08 sub $0x8,%esp
6: 8b 45 08 mov 0x8(%ebp),%eax
9: 89 45 fc mov %eax,0xfffffffc(%ebp)
c: 8b 45 0c mov 0xc(%ebp),%eax
f: 89 45 f8 mov %eax,0xfffffff8(%ebp)
12: 8d 45 fc lea 0xfffffffc(%ebp),%eax
15: ff 00 incl (%eax)
17: 8d 45 f8 lea 0xfffffff8(%ebp),%eax
1a: 83 00 02 addl $0x2,(%eax)
1d: c9 leave
1e: c3 ret
Disassembly of section .data:可以看到函数ENTER时首先把上一层函数的EBP入栈,设置本函数的EBP,然后会根据临时变量的数量和对齐要求去设置ESP,也就产生了函数的stack frame。
我们再看看函数的返回:”leave”指令相当于”mov %ebp,%esp;pop %ebp”,也就是ENTER是两条指令的恢复过程,所以,后面的”ret”指令和”call”指令对应。
$ gcc -fomit-frame-pointer -c test.c -o no_SFP.o$ objdump -D no_SFP.o
no_SFP.o: file format elf32-i386
Disassembly of section .text:
00000000 <a>:
0: 83 ec 08 sub $0x8,%esp
3: 8b 44 24 0c mov 0xc(%esp,1),%eax
7: 89 44 24 04 mov %eax,0x4(%esp,1)
b: 8b 44 24 10 mov 0x10(%esp,1),%eax
f: 89 04 24 mov %eax,(%esp,1)
12: 8d 44 24 04 lea 0x4(%esp,1),%eax
16: ff 00 incl (%eax)
18: 89 e0 mov %esp,%eax
1a: 83 00 02 addl $0x2,(%eax)
1d: 83 c4 08 add $0x8,%esp
20: c3 ret
Disassembly of section .data:
显而易见,代码难懂了;-P, 代码执行长度缩短了,应该能引起效率的提升。 可恶的是,不能用backtrace调试了。看一下arm下面的情况:
$ arm-linux-objdump -D SFP_arm.oSFP_arm.o : file format elf32-littlearm
Disassembly of section .text:
00000000 <a>:
0: e1a0c00d mov ip, sp
4: e92dd800 stmdb sp!, {fp, ip, lr, pc}
8: e24cb004 sub fp, ip, #4 ; 0x4
c: e24dd010 sub sp, sp, #16 ; 0x10
10: e50b0010 str r0, [fp, -#16]
14: e50b1014 str r1, [fp, -#20]
18: e51b3010 ldr r3, [fp, -#16]
1c: e50b3018 str r3, [fp, -#24]
20: e51b3014 ldr r3, [fp, -#20]
24: e50b301c str r3, [fp, -#28]
28: e51b3018 ldr r3, [fp, -#24]
2c: e2833001 add r3, r3, #1 ; 0x1
30: e50b3018 str r3, [fp, -#24]
34: e51b301c ldr r3, [fp, -#28]
38: e2833002 add r3, r3, #2 ; 0x2
3c: e50b301c str r3, [fp, -#28]
40: e91ba800 ldmdb fp, {fp, sp, pc}
Disassembly of section .data:优化后的版本:
$ arm-linux-objdump -D no_SFP_arm.ono_SFP_arm.o: file format elf32-littlearm
Disassembly of section .text:
00000000 <a>:
0: e24dd010 sub sp, sp, #16 ; 0x10
4: e58d000c str r0, [sp, #12]
8: e58d1008 str r1, [sp, #8]
c: e59d300c ldr r3, [sp, #12]
10: e58d3004 str r3, [sp, #4]
14: e59d3008 ldr r3, [sp, #8]
18: e58d3000 str r3, [sp]
1c: e59d3004 ldr r3, [sp, #4]
20: e2833001 add r3, r3, #1 ; 0x1
24: e58d3004 str r3, [sp, #4]
28: e59d3000 ldr r3, [sp]
2c: e2833002 add r3, r3, #2 ; 0x2
30: e58d3000 str r3, [sp]
34: e28dd010 add sp, sp, #16 ; 0x10
38: e1a0f00e mov pc, lr
Disassembly of section .data:这里,”fp”充当了”EBP”的角色,ESP在X86里面被leave隐含的恢复好了,所以没有显示设置的必要。
然后后面又看到这里,http://zhouzhen1.blogbus.com/l…,也讲到函数调用的压栈过程的 ebp,esp 指针的问题,但是感觉没太看懂:
刚才上网查了有关omit frame pointer的资料,
我们说所谓函数调用反映在汇编层面表现为对栈的操作,而frame pointer指的是一个叫做ebp的寄存器,其中存放该函数的基址。发生函数调用时,调用者首先将函数变量以及返回地址入栈,而后代码指针转入被调用函数,这里首先将调用者的基址(已在调用者开始时存在ebp中)入栈,同时将自己的基址记入ebp,然后修改栈顶指针esp以容纳被调用函数自身的局部变量,函数退出时,将栈顶指针恢复至自己的基址(从ebp中取得),然后将调用者的基址弹出至ebp并返回。
那么为什么VS.net可以忽略frame pointer?如果忽略的话,函数返回时岂不是不知道自己的基址了,怎么完成退栈呢?网上没人提这个,我想会不会是因为在编译过程中其实已经可以知道这个信息,所以直接把一个立即数赋给esp就可以了?
后面又看到这里,http://stackoverflow.com/quest…,也讲到 ebp 可以减少栈操作:
allows one extra register to be available for general-purpose use. I would assume this is really only a big deal on 32-bit x86, which is a bit starved for registers.*One would expect to see EBP no longer saved and adjusted on every function call, and probably some additional use of EBP in normal code, and fewer stack operations on occasions where EBP gets used as a general-purpose register.
Your code is far too simple to see any benefit from this sort of optimization– you’re not using enough registers. Also, you haven’t turned on the optimizer, which might be necessary to see some of these effects.
* ISA registers, not micro-architecture registers.
Most smaller functions don’t need a frame-pointer – larger functions MAY need one.
It’s really about how well the compiler manages to track how the stack is used, and where things are on the stack (local variables, arguments passed to the current function and arguments being prepared for a function about to be called). I don’t think it’s easy to characterize the functions that need or don’t need a frame-pointer [technically, NO function HAS to have a frame-pointer – it’s more a case of “if the compiler deems it necessary to reduce the complexity of other code”].
I don’t think you should “attempt to make functions not have frame-pointer” as part of your strategy for coding – like I said, simple functions don’t need them, so use -fomit-frame-pointer, and you’ll get one more register available for the register allocator, and save 1-3 instructions on entry/exit to functions. If your function needs a frame-pointer, it’s because the compiler decides that’s a better option than using frame pointer. It’s not a goal to have functions without frame pointer, it’s a goal to have code that works both correctly and fast.
Note that “not having framepointer” should give better performance, but it’s not some magic bullet that gives enormous improvements – particularly not on x86-64, which already has 16 registers to start with. On 32-bit x86, since it only has 8 registers, one of which is stackpointer, and taking up another as the frame-pointer means 25% of register-space is taken. To change that to 12.5% is quite an improvement. Of course, compiling for 64-bit will help quite a lot too.
最后,gnu gcc 的文档这里,http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/…,讲到了这个选项的默认配置:
Don’t keep the frame pointer in a register for functions that don’t need one. This avoids the instructions to save, set up and restore frame pointers; it also makes an extra register available in many functions. It also makes debugging impossible on some machines.On some machines, such as the VAX, this flag has no effect, because the standard calling sequence automatically handles the frame pointer and nothing is saved by pretending it doesn’t exist. The machine-description macro
controls whether a target machine supports this flag. See Register Usage.Enabled at levels -O, -O2, -O3, -Os.
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